Our rubber high pressure hoses from UR-Flex comes in a variety of lengths options for your regulator. These rubber high pressure hose for your SPGs and transmitters are fully made in Europe ensuring its durability and reliability over long term use.
Made with durability and customisation in mind, these rubber high pressure regulator hose can be made to order in the specific length that you prefer for your ideal regulator setup. Please note that the lead time for a custom rubber high pressure regulator hose is at least 20 days.
UR-Flex's rubber high pressure regulator hoses are best suited for divers who wants a very predictable and durable regulator hose for their SPGs or transmitter. From past experience, it can be hard to tell when a high pressure regulator hose is due for replacement especially for the braided ones, this issue is common and we have seen hoses exploding underwater or on land as the diver is setting up the regulator.
To prevent such case from happening we encourage divers to replace their high pressure regulator hoses every 2-3 years and we will also advice divers when it is time to replace the hoses on their regulators when they service their regulators with us.
The optional customisation option feature makes this rubber high pressure regulator hose from UR-Flex a particularly great option for sidemount divers, drysuit divers, technical divers and rebreather divers who may sometimes require a high pressure hose in a very specific length to suit their unique regulator and rebreather setups.
Here are a our recommended LP hose length for the common regulator setups
Recreational Back mount setups: Primary: 56cm ,62cm and 75cm Secondary / Octopus: 100cm to 120cm Inflator Hose: 56cm (for Backplate and Wing Bcs) to 75cm (for Jacket Bcs) SPG / HP Hose: 56cm to 75cm
DIR Long-Hose Setups Primary: 210cm Octopus / Secondary; 56cm Inflator Hose: 56cm SPG / Hp Hose: 56cm to 75cm
Side Mount Setups: Left Post: 62cm-75cm Right Post: 210cm Inflator Hose: 20cm -25cm SPG / Hp Hose : 15cm-20cm